Thursday 10 February 2011

Chemical Engineering Design Project

6 people around a table, all relatively clueless about what they should be doing. A standard story for most third years doing the chemical engineering design project.

Today started with a group meeting to discuss hazard study 2, the process which can help identify potential hazards at an early stage so they can be designed out of the process, as well as our individual and group reports.
After two and a half hours sat in front of a computer reading endless electronic design books on grinding mill design and particle technology, I never really managed to write anything constructive. (I know a lot more about particle size reduction now though.)

So why am I doing this? It is these processes which allow so many valuable products to be made, which ultimately involves making lots of money. Once you understand the process, the calculations do become interesting and strangely satisfying when you finally arrive at a result.
I understand that I can ask for help from lecturers, but sometimes you just wish they'd told you some things a little earlier, as I found out today - 3 sentences neatly describing how to design a crusher - design project sorted!

For the second time this term, I went to Tiverton pool, which suddenly became a hive of activity when it opened at 8.30. Just why to they heat it so much?

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