Monday 14 February 2011

The Weekend

Mubarak is out!
This is simply terrific news. I have found the pictures from Cairo both shocking and amazing. The end of a dictator ship has taken just two weeks to happen. Several thoughts have occured to me in this time:
Is this going to make the rest of the middle east unstable?
What role has the US and.other western nations had on all this?
What was going through the minds of the people in the egyptian army when they fired on their own citizens?
What did oil have to do with making the situation so political.

EWB Interviewer Training
I am writing this on the train coming back from the EWB placement manager training held in London over the weekend. Things covered included application grading, interview tips, as well as other responsibilities for placement managers, the team of people looking after volunteers while on their placements.

Some of the best exercises included thinking about how our initial preconceptions of people affect your view of them, listening activities to assess weaknesses in listening skills, and a roleplay interview to determine the suitability of different questions. Having always been on the interviewer side of an interview, it is surprising how difficult it is to ask the right questions. Preparation is key!
It was a fantastic opportunity to see all those who also did EWB placements in the summer.

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